Published 19 June 1996
Circular No. 2/96 June 1996
Dear Sirs,
International Management Code for the safe operation of ships and for pollution prevention [International Safety Management (ISM) Code].
On July 1, 1998, the ISM Code will become mandatory for most ships in international trade. Many of our Members have already implemented the Code onboard their ships, some are adjusting their ISO 9000 (or similar) type accreditation to ISM Code equivalents, and some are in the process of preparing shoreside and shipboard operations for ISM Code compliance. In all cases, a number of important legal and practical questions related to the Code have been raised and ventilated with the Association.
The Club can not act as a full-scale consultant for ISM Code implementation. However, we can clearly see a number of aspects of the Code which our Members would wish to consult us on. We have accordingly formed an in-house "Resource Group" consisting of lawyers, master mariners and underwriters with a view to collecting all available information on the subject of the Code, seeking clarification from available sources on matters of dispute related to the Code and informing Members to the extent required via circulars, Gard News, seminars and workshops and other means. Members are of course also free to consult with us as and when their individual needs arise.
In order to form an opinion on how far our Members have come in their efforts towards ISM Code compliance, we attach a questionnaire which we would appreciate that you conclude and return to the Club at your earliest convenience. We thank you for your co-operation.
Yours faithfully, ASSURANCEFORENINGEN GARD -gjensidig-
John G. Bernander Managing Director
To all Members
The following section to be completed by companies which have obtained the ISM Code certificates ( DOC - SMC ) only
We thank you for taking the time to complete the above survey. Please direct your completed questionnaire by 15th June 1996 to :
ISM Code Group ASSURANCEFORENINGEN GARD P.O.Box 1563 Myrene 4801 Arendal NORWAY