It was Andreas’ educational background which first led him to apply for the Claes Isacson Scholarship 2019. As a student at NTNU, the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Andreas was in his second-to-last year of his master program “Industrial Economics and Technology Management”. Naval Architecture and Finance was a part of the curriculum and Andreas found this to be a good fit with the intentions of the scholarship.
Interested at an early age
But that was not all. As someone who was introduced to ships by his grandfather as a child during a stay in Singapore, Andreas had already taken interest in shipping.
“I applied to the Claes Isacson Scholarship because I have a genuine interest in the industry. I also had a good impression of Gard and wanted to get to know the company better.”
Adding networking value
According to Andreas, the scholarship has been beneficial in many ways.
“The scholarship has provided me with the economic benefit allowing me to focus more on my studies.“
He also commends the networking opportunities which comes with the scholarship.
“Attending the annual general meeting in Arendal last autumn enabled me to get in contact with very interesting people working in the shipping industry. As a result of this, I was offered the chance to sail onboard one of the attendee’s ships this summer.”
Boosting the industry interest
Andreas graduates from the university this spring and finds the marine insurance industry and interesting proposition for his future career. He would like to combine his financial capabilities with the understanding of the shipping industry.
“The scholarship has given me a deeper passion for pursuing a career within the industry. Getting to know people at the annual general meeting and learning from them can also be of benefit in the future.”