This is a recognition of Gard’s focus on integrating ESG in our daily operations and towards our supply chain and business partners. It also marks our collaboration with Members and customers to make sure we do our part to ensure a cleaner, safer, and more sustainable ocean economy.
As society’s expectations towards sustainable business practice is rapidly evolving, we will of course strive for continuous improvements.
The EcoVadis methodology is based on international standards (Global Reporting Initiative, United Nations Global Compact, ISO 26000), and is supervised by a scientific committee of sustainability and supply chain experts, to ensure reliable third-party sustainability assessments.
We are proud to have achieved a Gold rating from Ecovadis, which is only awarded to the top 5%of rated companies. A big thank you to all Gard employees who integrate environmental, social and governance related issues in their every-day jobs. It is the result of our collective actions that brings us this recognition.