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Oil spill in Singapore: Port operations continue

Port waters in Singapore have been polluted with fuel oil following a collision between a dredger and a bunker vessel on 14 June 2024. While port operations remain uninterrupted, vessels calling at the port should be aware of secondary oiling from fenders, ropes, barges and supply boats.

No additional precautionary measures are required, according to our local correspondents in the region.

According to the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA), the collision incident occurred at the Pasir Panjang shipping terminal and caused a rupture of one of the bunker vessel’s oil cargo tanks, releasing its low-sulphur fuel oil to the sea. MPA further reports that it immediately initiated measures to reduce the impact of the oil spill and that numerous booms and oil recovery vessels and systems have later been deployed at sea. Clean-up operations at the country’s beaches and shorelines are also reported to be in progress.

Despite the incident, navigational safety is reported to remain unimpacted, and port operations to continue as usual. However, operators and Masters of vessels bound for Singapore are advised be vigilant and make frequent checks with local sources of information, e.g. vessels’ local agents, Gard's correspondents, etc., to obtain the most up-to-date information on the progress of the oil spill response operations and potential implications on vessel traffic in the area. Updated reports on the joint oil-spill operations are also available via the MPA Singapore website.

From a loss prevention standpoint, it may be prudent to photograph the hull prior to arriving in Singapore, as well as any floating oil encountered whilst there, to provide evidence should there be any difficulties. If a vessel has been adversely affected by oil stains, we recommend contacting our local correspondent in Singapore to arrange for inspections and hull cleaning services, should they be required.

We are grateful to Spica Services (S) Pte Ltd. for providing the above information.

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