
List of Vessels

Amendments to the Collision Regulations

Will enter into force on 29th November 2003.

Published 05 October 2009

The Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972 (the Collision Regulations, or COLREGs) was adopted in 1972 and entered into force in 1977. Amendments introduced in 1981, 1987, 1989 and 1993 are already in force. The convention was last amended in November 2001. These latest amendments, which will enter into force on 29th November 2003, are the following: – Rule 3 (General definitions) will include the definition of wing-in-ground (WIG) craft; – Rule 8 (a) (Action to avoid collision) will make it clear that any action to avoid collision should be taken in accordance with the relevant rules in the COLREGs and to link Rule 8 with the other steering and sailing rules; – Rule 18 (Responsibilities between vessels) will include a requirement that a WIG craft, when taking off, landing and in flight near the surface, shall keep clear of all other vessels and avoid impeding their navigation and also that a WIG craft operating on the water surface shall comply with the Rules as for a power-driven vessel; – Rule 23 (Power-driven vessels underway) will include a requirement that WIG craft shall, in addition to the lights prescribed in paragraph 23 (a) of the Rule, exhibit a high-intensity all-round flashing red light when taking off, landing and in-flight near the surface; – Rule 31 (Seaplanes) will include a provision for WIG craft; – Rules 33 and 35 (Equipment for sound signals and sound signals in restricted visibility) will cater for small vessels; – Annex I (Positioning and technical details of lights and shapes) will be amended with respect to high-speed craft (relating to the vertical separation of masthead lights); and Annex III (Technical details of sound signal appliances) will be amended with respect to whistles and bell or gong to cater for small vessels.

Copies of the Collision Regulations in English, French or Spanish may be purchased from the IMO (www.imo.org).

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Gard News is published quarterly by Gard Services AS, Arendal, Norway.

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