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Loading soya beans in Brazil – practical guidance

Our local correspondent Representacoes Proinde Ltda. has published a comprehensive guide on the soya bean trade in Brazil and we recommend it as a useful source of reference and practical information.

Published 15 December 2020

The soya bean is the world’s most consumed oilseed and the most cultivated and profitable crop in Brazil, says Proinde on its website. The correspondent further explains that expansion of harvested areas and use of advanced technology to improve productivity have resulted in an almost two-fold increase in Brazil’s soya bean export over the last decade. Because of the ongoing US-China trade war, Brazil has also regained its position as the world’s largest producer and exporter of soya beans.

Proinde’s comprehensive guide “Loading soya beans in Brazil” of November 2020 looks at the bean’s importance to the country today and in an historical perspective, describes the country’s domestic transport and port systems, explains how the national soya bean quality and grading standards work, and discusses risks associated with its stowage, loading and seaborne carriage. We believe Members and clients will find this guide both an interesting read and a useful source of reference.

For additional information and loss prevention advice, see our insights “An expert’s view on the carriage of soya bean cargoes from Brazil to China“ and “Heat damage in soya bean cargoes - the importance of inspections”.

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